Group Classes & Private Training
Group training classes for dogs are taught by Zack Grey and Rollin Perry. Classes are designed to offer you and your dog the opportunity to learn all of the basics in an environment other than your home. It is important to realize that dogs are situational learners in your house, where there is little distraction and your dog typically feels comfortable and more focused.
The objective of group training and obedience classes is to build your dog’s confidence. In addition to this, another goal is to teach him to focus on you and your commands despite of the external circumstance. Training your dog in this environment is an excellent means for him to socialize which is imperative for proper emotional development.
Group training classes for dogs are flexible as per your convenience where students can attend the days of their choice. These classes are on an ongoing basis. Even after one class, you will be amazed to see the progress. With the help of positive reinforcement and motivational training, students are quite surprised to see how quickly they and their pet learn!! First time students are required to register and attend an orientation before class.
While dogs with behavioral problems such as excessive barking, pulling on the leash, fear, aggression, or house soiling derive benefit from group classes, it is suggested to enroll in a in-home private session as well.