Your New Pet
A new pet is an exciting event and the first instinct people have is to rush out and buy everything in sight to welcome their new family member. The experience can be overwhelming and expensive.
Too often, new pet owners spend too much money on un-necessary pet supplies for their new pet. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you select all the basics pet supplies for your new pet that you do need and nothing you don’t.
For The Canine:
- A food that is free from by-products and corn. When introducing a new food it is important you have enough of the current kibble to ensure a gradual introduction. Rushing the process can cause upset stomachs and loose “poops.”
- Wire crate to fit the adult size of the dog.
- Basic food and water dish.
- Crate pad but an old towel will do in pinch!
- 2 inexpensive 4-6 ft nylon leashes…one for around the house and one for walks.
- Nylon collar or harness.
- Tags. You can also use a “Markie” and write the information on the collar.
- Plastic or rubber chew toys. I recommend steering clear of cloth chew toys and rope toys until after the teething stage to a avoid the puppy confusing these with your socks, pillows or the frayed ends of rugs.
- Bully sticks & pressed rawhide…avoid rawhide sheets or white rawhide.
- Poop bags.
- Natural enzyme cleaners such as Nature’s Miracle or Urine Off.
- Soft jerky for training.
- Puppy Pads…the controversy…inquire.
For The Feline:
- Nail clipper…the more you clip kitty’s nails the less damage they inflict.
- Food and water dishes…we recommend investing in a water fountain. Remember, you are welcoming a carnivore into your house and by evolution cats obtain moisture predominantly from what they eat and don’t have a great inclination to drink water. Therefore it’s important to make drinking water an activity. Encouraging cats to drink more water can help reduce the risk of urinary issues.
- Scratching post or Scratch Lounge.
- A food that is free from by-products and corn.
- Litter and litter box.
- Toys can be as simple as a rolled ball of paper or Zack recommends another kitten. Keep in mind that cats are nocturnal animals and until they learn we are NOT, another kitten can save you countless sleepless nights as they will direct all their kitty frenzy to each other and not you!